The input raw material obtained after limestone blasting (in which the chemical composition is dominated by CaO) is a row limestone of granulation 0 – 750 mm, which is further ground in the technological process to the required granules (rock limestone, lump limestone and waste material), which are a semi-product of the Kučevo Branch. The amount of row limestone represents annual production.

The table below shows the granules obtained in the whole technological process:

  Assortment product   Granulation   Purpose of use
  Rock limestone (obtained after secondary comminution) Row limestone
0 – 60 mm
  In addition to further grinding, it is used in a technological process on a tertiary plant to produce limestone fines (0-4 mm granulation). When the need arises after the secondary shredding by rail, it is sent to HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel doo Belgrade in Smederevo, the Agglomeration plant.
  Lump limestone     Row limestone 30 – 60 mm In addition to further grinding, it is used in a technological process on a tertiary plant to produce limestone fines (0-4 mm granulation). When the need arises (2-3 times a month), the railway is usually sent one wagon (39 t) for HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel d.o.o.Boograd to Smederevo, Steel plant.
Waste material (out of class product) Row limestone
0 – 30 mm
It is obtained after comminution on the primary crusher and sieving and is used as a donation to third parties, for local road embankment or for own use also for road embankment
Llimestone fines 0 – 4 mm It is obtained by grinding rock limestone and lump limestone on a tertiary plant and as such, one composition (624 t) is sent daily for HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel d.o.o.Boograd to Smederevo, Agglomeration plant.